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ChangingAging org Kaboom NYT lowers the boom on for pfirot Posted by root 4 minutes ago () Kaboom nyt lowers the boom on for pfirot nursing homes posted by dr bill thomas on september 24th 2007 category aging eden alternative media leave a comment cite quot quot gt lt cite gt lt code gt lt del datetime quot quot gt lt em gt lt i gt lt q cite qu Discuss | Bury | News | ChangingAging org Kaboom NYT lowers the boom on for pfirot
got milk? works is because it renidms us of the very clever television ads and gives us a warm feeling, a memory of having been amused by something. And what's really fascinating is how that same visual stimulus the word got plus a noun plus a question mark, all lowercase, white on black, in that distinctive sans-serif font gets used by other people to try and dredge up that same positive association. Without the context of those TV ads (which first aired 16 years ago!), got jesus? would be almost nonsensical. But because it's freeloading on the associations of the ad campaign, it's well, it's pretty annoying, actually. Still, you can see what they're trying for.Anyway. I guess that's related? Sort of?
