Apua, miten siemennesteen saa pois akvaariosta???

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[QUOTE="serla";27238233]Siellä lasissa mut sisäpinnalla vedessä, sellanen 10cm länttiviiva. Aika pohjalla, osa on sekottunu hiekkaan.[/QUOTE]

ei ne kalat siihen kuole :D järvetkin täynnä vaikka mitä paskaa ja kusta sekä sit spermaa :D :D
Kuumenna akvaarion vesi 60 asteeseen. Sperman proteiini saostuu tässä lämpötilassa ja on helppo poimia haavilla pois.

Jos akvaariossasi on meduusoja tämä keino ei toimi, joten silloin kannattaa istuttaa joku naispuolinen akvaarionpäälle, jolloin siittiöt lähtevät uimaan luonnollista kohdettaan kohti.

Itse kyllä antaisin siittiöiden vaellella kalojen seassa, katsella luonnon ihmetekoja ja miettiä dwarvinismia ja sitä onko kaloilla sielu jos ne ovat puoliksi ihmisiä.
Missed something it's such an ineceififnt waste of space dedicated to a pretty bad static measure the average' So it misses answering interesting questions like what kind of diversity is there between lower income, and higher income, or between young and old, or between urban and rural, or between last decade and this decade. It tells us nothing about diversity period. Even some measure of spread would tell us something far more meaningful to the average person'. That is, if there was such a thing as an average person
#11The 75% energy sagvins achieved with CFL's will reduce overall household electricity usage by an average of 6%To add to the point, residential electricity consumption accounts for about 14% of total national energy consumption.If I use myself as an example voluntary compliance will make up 2/3rds of the expected sagvins.My wife will be buying bulbs from the local crack dealer before she ends up putting her makeup on under florescent lighting. So the government isn't going to get 100% compliance anyway. They'll just create a market for yet another untaxed illegal good.
-3- Roger,Yes, I agree that there is a great value in interoperability...fire hyndtras, power outlets, etc. And there are some really good reasons to do those.I can't really see how debating a particular standard in Congress is nonsensical (though I suppose that you were directing this at a more general argument about standards), especially when the standard in question was relatively recently put through by Congress.The problem with so much of what Congress does is that the unintended consequences are rarely considered and debated. Lightbulbs? Let's see, inferior output, hazardous materials, predictions of savings due to longevity that were exaggerated.In general, my philosophy of standards is that they should be reactive, not proactive. Once there is a legitimate standard winner, and assuming that there are really good reasons for standards, then, OK.Taking an industry leader in efficiency, however, and mandating that everyone copy it, however, seems really wrong. There are other trade offs that might be very important. Perhaps you've just priced out most of the population from owning a dish washer.Now, if your government has decided to allow your infrastructure to crumble, and is predicting a developing world electrical grid (I'm looking at you, U.K.)...well, maybe you have no other choice now. I think there are better ways to go.
Your NYT op-ed is intellectually dinshoest and _sneaky_.It attacks a political action to give people freedom of choice.But its reasoning is not about choice, it is about standards.NO ONE is proposing that we drop our definition for watt, ohm, or kilogram -- or any other standard.If wish to defend intrusive government MANDATES, say it openly -- don't pretend that you are defending industry STANDARDS.
[QUOTE="serla";27238130]Kun eihän sinne voi käyttää mitään pesuainetta ettei kalat kuole? Mut pakko se on pois sieltä saada`? Keksiikö kukaan mitään keinoa`??[/QUOTE]

Onko nyt siis Pleieri oppeja soveltanut pelimies pettänyt vaimoaan ja heittänyt lastit akvaarioon vai mistä paniikki?
As much as Tea Partiers say Bush was horrible as far as sidenpng goes, I've heard not one demand that some of those fiscally irresponsible programs and mandates be re-examined or repealed. And yes, this does include our greatly increased scope of foreign entanglements under the Bush Presidency. It's why I view many (most?) of the Conservatives running around claiming to be fiscal conservatives as political carpet-baggers, disingenuous at best, frauds at worst. You're either not reading carefully, not listening, or don't visit very often. Whatever makes life easier for you, but it's hard to see someone generalize like that when I've seen plenty of regulars here say exactly the opposite.
Consider the latest cute-kid video to go viral on YouTube: Riley on Marketing shows a ltlite girl in front of a wall of pink packaging, asking, Why do all the girls have to buy pink stuff and all the boys have to buy different-color stuff? It has been viewed more than 2.4 million times. 2.39 million of which were views by liberal parents - feminist mothers and their emasculated husbands - looking for support for their already-established values. Of course the ltlite girl was coached. For most of us, gender roles are a normal part of life, but for a small but noisy minority, they are oppressive shackles that must be broken. Ever notice how all the discussion on these matters turns around bolstering ltlite girls' self-esteem - as though young women weren't entitled enough already! - and crushing natural masculine tendencies in boys? I used to hope men would wake up to this and rebel, but it seems that men under the age of around 35 are so well-tamed and well-trained (and apparently so frightened of their women or so desperate to get laid) that they don't even see the discrimination, let alone think there's anything wrong with it. And then you search the internet looking for like-minded people, and all you find are professional woman-haters and divorced fathers with axes to grind. Is there a website or blog that features serious conversation about the attack on masculinity and traditional gender roles rather than serving exclusively as a forum for the girls-have-cooties and gimme-my-kids-back crowds?
, THAT's what they base the "bestseller" title on. Not according to aautcl sales.This author explained that the NYT list has a lot less to do with any aautcl book sales than it does with how much "demand" you can create for the book in advance of when it comes out...no matter if the demand is genuine or not. Buzz brings in the orders, and from there, you're golden.Which is what makes the whole thing so suspicious, as do the rumors of selective reporting, politics, arbitrary exclusions, et al. in the process. All that being said, I still wouldn't sneeze at the chance to be on the list. :) It's worth a whole lot of extra sales of future books just to be able to put that on the cover of a current one. A few thoughts, Janny
I believe it has to do with high sales in a seificpc time frame. I know of a book that was "embargo'ed" and shipped via air to stores so it would hit the shelves in a one or two day period, boosting its chances of making the list. And it did. But few books get that star treatment and the expense of air freight beyond Harry Potter.
. In her line of work that could actually be an adavgtane.By the way, Ms. Terry is hardly setting any age records. About a year ago there was an article in the local paper here on Long Island about a police raid on an Asian massage parlor. One of the women was 66 years old.Peter
